Origins is the journal of the BCS, currently
published three times a year. The "Contents" listed below is not exhaustive, but
identifies the main articles in each issue. Origins was preceded
by Biblical Creation. Purchasing information
is given at the end of this file. Price: 30-36 (£3), 37/38 joint(£6), 39 - 43 (£3), 44 - current edition (£5.00).
September 2014 (59)
- Flood Theology - Stephen Lloyd
- Naturalism's Tightening Grip on Education and Science - David
J Tyler
- Irreducible Design and Overdesign in Man: A Case Study of the
Human Hand - Stuart Burgess
- Mount St Helens, Disaster and Recovery - J H John Peet
- Could this be the death of Darwinism? - Sylvia Baker
- Book review: The Pentateuch as Narrative by John Sailhamer
- reviewed by David Anderson
- Book review: Swimming against the tide by Sylvia Baker
- reviewed by Arthur Jones
- Book review: Born Believers by Justin L Barrett - reviewed
by Hans Degens
- Book review: A Fine-Tuned Universe by Alistair E McGrath
- reviewed by Rev Bill James
November 2013 (58)
- Is the biblical Adam a scientifically valid concept? - J H John
- The Genre and Goals of Genesis 1-11, part 2 - James E Patrick
- Precambrian embryos and their relevance to the Cambrian explosion
- David J Tyler
- Temperature acclimatisation in Fish Muscles - Hans Degens
- Book review: Should Christians embrace Evolution? by
Norman Nevin et al - reviewed by Professor Colin Reeve
- Book review: Life asecnding: the 10 great innovatios of evolution
by Nick Lane - reviewed by Hans Degens
- Book review: Did Adam and Eve really exist? by C John
Collins - reviewed by Ray Trainer
- Book review: Building Noah's Ark by Anthony Bush - reviewed
by David J Tyler
- DVD review: Set in Stone by Truth in Science - reviewed
by David J Tyler
- Obituary: Dr. Duane Gish 1921-2013 by Nancy Darrall
March 2013 (57)
- Recolonisation and Earth History - David J Tyler
- Irreducible Design and Overdesign in Man - Stuart Burgess
- The Genre and Goals of Genesis 1-11 (part 1) - James E Patrick
- Kinesin - another of God's remarkable designs - J H John Peet
- Training day report: In the Beginning - John Allen
- Book review: The Bible, Rocks and Time by Davis A Young
and Ralph F Stearley - reviewed by Sylvia Baker
- 3 Book reviews: Gunning for God; God and Stephen Hawking;
Seven Days that Divide the World all 3 by John Lennox - reviewed
by Sylvia Baker
- Book review: The Lost World of Genesis One by John H
Walton - reviewed by Ray Trainer
- Book review: The Cell's Design by Fazala Rana - reviewed
by J H John Peet
August 2012 (56)
- Adam: the Priest-King of genesis 1-3 - Ray Trainer
- The World Around Us: a virtual museum ( a
new teaching resource) - Geoff Lewis
- The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve of the giraffe- Nancy Darrell
- "the word": your correspondence
- Book review: Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters
by Donald R Prothero - reviewed by Marc Surtees
- Book review: Evolution: Good Science? by Dominic Statham
- reviewed by J H John Peet
December 2011 (55)
- The Genesis Flood: 50 years on - Paul Garner
- Darwin, Dogs and Species - Stephen Hayes
- Noah's Ark: big enough for the Olympics? - Hans Degens
- Synthia: designer's signature - David Pearson
- Creation or Evolution: do we have to choose - Anthony Smith
- Genesis: not suitable for modern scientific understanding? - Steve Lloyd
- Book review: The Eye: a natural history by Simon Ings - reviewed by Sylvia Baker
- Book review: Creation, Fall, Restoration: a biblical theology
of creation by Andrew S Kulikovsky - reviewed by David Anderson
- Book review: The Philosophical foundations of Neuroscience by MR Bennett and PMS Hacker - reviewed by Sylvia Baker
May 2011 (54)
- Debating Darwin - Steve Lloyd
- Christians and Aliens - John Byl
- Mirror of the Invisible: "Let there be light" - James Powell
- Why won't Creationists just give up? - Adrian Miller
- Book review: What Darwin got wrong by Jerry A Fodor and Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini and Why Evolution is True by Jerry A Coyne - reviewed by Sylvia Baker
- Book review: A Beginners Guide to Creation by Dr Chris Pegington - reviewed by Simon Sadler
August 2010 (53)
- The enigma of penguin origins- Jerry Bergman
- Does it matter? - Chris Peglington
- Can we believe Genesis? Part II: Science speaks - Greg Haslam
- Mirror of the invisible: The God-centred structure of Genesis One and Creation - James Powell
- Has Darwin been rescued ? - Sylvia Baker
- Book review: Atheism remix : A Christian confronts the New Atheists by R Albert Mohler Jr - reviewed by Ray Trainer
- Book review: The New Creationism : Building Scientific theories on a biblical foundation by Paul Garner- reviewed by Colin Reeves
- Book review: Who made God? : Searching for a theory of everything by Edgar Andrews - reviewed by Colin Reeves
- Book review: In God's Image : The divine origin of humans by Stuart Burgess - reviewed by Nancy Darrall
March 2010 (52)
- Clutching at Straws - J H John Peet
- The New Creationism - Paul Garner
- Scientifically demolished at a stroke - Jonathon Swingler
- How to know where you're going - Andy Banton
- Can we believe Genesis? Part I: the Bible speaks - Greg Haslam
- Who made God? - Edgar Andrews
- Did birds fly in the late Triassic? - David J Tyler
- DVD review: Darwin on the Rocks by John Mackay - reviewed by David J Tyler
- Book review: Teaching about Scientific Origins: Taking Account of Creationism by Peter Lang - reviewed by David Anderson
- Conference: Honest to Darwin - report by Adrian Burns
December 2009 (50 / 51)
(Darwin's demise: Essays to mark the bicentennial year of his birth
January 2009 (49)
- The Michale Reiss affair - Sylvia Baker
- Postgenetics: 'junk' DNA is no more - Nancy Darrall
- Reader's Viewpoint: Beware the Siren voice of Intelligent Design - Andrew Cullen
- Intelligent Design and creationism - David J Tyler
- Created by Him and for Him - Peter Hitchcock
- Life in a cake mixer - Edgar Andrews
- Noah's Ark was BIG! - Ruth Ward
- DVD Review: The Nativity Story - reviewed by James Powell
August 2008 (48)
- Typhoon catastrophe challenges geological timescales - David J Tyler
- My creation testimony - Ruth Paterson
- Tiktaalik, the 'fishopod' from the Canadian Arctic - Paul Garner
- Noah's Ark Zoo Farm: an update - Anthony Bush
- The creation of man: part 2 - Geoff Thomas
- The foundations of our faith: 8 The doctrine of last things - J H John Peet
- Special review article: Starlight, Time and the New Physics by John Hartnett - reviewed by William Warraker
February 2008 (47)
- What can we learn from Francis Schaeffer ? - Ranald Macaulay
- 40 years of Creation Ministry in Britain - David Tyler
- Development of Resistance - Marc Surtees
- Evidence for the Evolution of Bats - Jerry Bergman
- Skeletal Muscle and the Maximum Life-Span of Men - Hans Degens
- Did Humans evolve from Apes ?- Marc Surtees
- Book Reviews
- Lessons from the Living Cell by Stephen Rothman - reviewed by Professor Colin Reeves
- The Geologic Column: Perspectives within Diluvial Geology by JK Read and MJ Oard (editors) - reviewed by John Peet
June 2007 (46) (Bone of Contention Special)
- The ostrich: a wonder of God's creation- J. H. John Peet
- Bone of Contention:
- 'Back to creation basics': a personal journey of faith - Bob Allen
- Visit to Poland - Sylvia Baker
- 'Old or new' or 'Old and new' - Kevin Charman
- Violence in netherland
- William Worraker
- The foundations of our faith. 7:
The doctrine of salvation - J. H. John Peet
- The creation of man: part 1
- Geoff Thomas
- 'Old or new' or 'Old and new' - Kevin Charman
- Book Reviews
- Design and Origin of Birds by Philip Snow - reviewed by Richard and Ruth Ward
- Creation Out Of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration by P Capon and WL Craig - reviewed by Andrew Cullen
- Dismantling the Big Bang: God's Universe Rediscovered by A Williams and J Hartnett - reviewed by Ray Trainer
February 2007 (45) (Technical Issue)
- Transposons: the good, the bad and the ugly - Marc Surtees
- Arguments for Design: language, the 'flight' of the human tongue - Nancy Darrell
- An evaluation of punctuated equilibrium as a mechanism for evolution - Hans Degens
- Meetings
August 2006 (44)
- Creation in the news
- Science of Earth's Birth not set in stone - Ian Fuller
- Polar Bears - one of a (created) kind - David J Tyler
- Tribute to Dr Henry M Morris, Jr (1918 - 2006) - David J Tyler
- Bird flu and a good God - J H John Peet
- In the beginning God - Geoff Thomas
- Meetings
- Has biology eliminated God? - Ray Trainer
- Tom and Paula Vail's visit to the UK - Diana Panes
- Video Review
March 2006 (43)
- Life in Focus: A Scientist looks at 'Intelligent Design' - David J Tyler
- Proof-reading and Origins - J H John Peet
- Teaching Evolution in a Christian School - Sylvia Baker
- The Foundation of our Faith. 6: The Doctrine of the Fall - J H John Peet
- The Stone Runs of the Falkland Islands - Charles Whitworth
- Box Jellyfish: not dainty delights - Margaret Helder
- Similarities and Relationships - Paul Garner
- Meetings
- The Chimpanzee Genome Reveals its Secrets - J H John Peet
- Ministry Report - Visit to Northern Ireland - Paul Garner
- Book Announcement/Review
- The Love of God in the Classroom - the Story of the New Christian Schools by Sylvia Baker and David Freeman
January 2006 (42)
Special Issue: Design in Nature |
- Meetings and Media
- Geology workshop Report Members of the BCS recently visited Ardley Quarry which contains a variety of dinosaur tracks
- Letters to Christianity in reply to the article What you need to know about the evolution debate by Tony Watkins
- Reviews
- The Origin of Man (Stuart Burgess) by David Tyler
- Refuting Compromise (Jonathan Sarfati) by Andrew Cullen
October 2005 (41)
March 2005 (40)
- Beauty in the Blackbird's Song - Stuart Burgess
- The Immune System: Designed to Interact with Microbes - Alan Gillen and Frank Sherwin
- The Grand Canyon Adventure (Part One) - Paul Garner
- Demolishing a Straw Ark: The BBC's Noah's Ark Fiasco - Paul Garner
- The Foundations of our Faith. 4: The Doctrine of Man - J H John Peet
- Creationism: Science versus Faith in Schools - Paul Garner
December 2004 (39)
Technical Issue
- The Life and Work of John Ray - Sheena Tyler
- Reflections on Evangelicalism Divided - Mike Matthews
- Comets Still Puzzling Astronomers - Paul Garner
- A Whale of a Tale - David J Tyler
- The Fifth International Conference on Creationism (A Report) - Paul Garner
- Cambridge's Christian Heritage - Ranald Macaulay
October 2004 (37/8)
Special Issue: The Solar System
- Our Solar System and its Origin - Wayne R Spencer
- A Blaze of Glory - William J Worracker
- Mysterious Mercury - J H John Peet
- The Goldilocks Planet - Danny R Faulkner
- When the Sun Goes Out - David J Tyler & Sheena Tyler
- Footprints on the Moon - David J Tyler
- Lord of the Rings - Wayne R Spencer
- The Outer Limits - Paul Garner
- Realm of the Comets - Danny R Faulner
- The Foundations of our Faith - J H John Peet
December 2003 (36)
- The Foundations of our Faith: 2 The Doctrine of Scripture - J
H John Peet
- Tracking Dinosaurs in Britain - David Tyler
- James Clerk Maxwell - Neil Brownrigg
- Is Scientific American unscientific - J
H John Peet
- Discovery of Hormones (Ernest Starling) - Alan L Gillen
- Herto Man in the limelight - - David Tyler
- Meetings and Media
- The 8th European Creationist Congress (Report) - Sheena Tyler
- Reviews:
- Genesis Agendum Occasional Papers 4 - 9: Surtsey (4), Contemporary
Cosmology (5), Relating science and theology (6), Speciation
among Chiclid fish (7), Radioactive dating (8), Fish to tetrapods?(9)
- Books
- How Blind is the Watchmaker by Neil Broom
- Responding to the challenge of Evolution by Kevin
- Writings on Ethical Life by Peter Singer
2003 (35)
- The Man who Shaped Science - David J Tyler
- A Hole in the Eye - Marc Surtees
- Warfield and Evolution - J H John Peet
- Dating the Earth and Accidents of Geochemistry - David J Tyler
- A Genetic Bottleneck Affecting the Mauritius Kestrel - David J
- The 'Smoking Gun'
Way to do Geological Science - David J Tyler
- Meetings and Media
- Reviews:
- Books
March 2003 (34)
- The Whale that Wasn't - Paul Garner
- Foundations of our Faith - J H John Peet
- What use is the Uvula? - Paul Garner
- The Camel - J H John Peet
- Parallel
Universes: has God anything to say? - David J Tyler
- Volcanic Catastrophe on a Scottish Island - David J Tyler
November 2002 (33)
- The Amazing World of Ants - Judith Young
- The world of Plants an interview with Dr Nancy Darrall
- Walking with the Beasts - Paul Garner
- Creation in the Headlines
- David J Tyler
- 7 Reasons why we believe in a Global Flood - Paul Garner
- Debate Report
- Creation vs Evolution - a report by Paul Garner
- Reviews:
- Books
- Creation Evangelism for the New Millenium by Ken Ham
- The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure by Buddy Davis,
Mike Liston, John Whitmore
- A Trip to the Ocean by John D Morris
- Daddy, Is there really a God? by Clifford Wilson
- The Bible comes Alive: Volume 1 by John D Morris
- Videos
- The image of God by David Aikman
- From a Frog to a Prince by David Aikman
July 2002 (32)
- The Flood Bottleneck and Genetic Diversity - Marc Surtees
- Sola Scriptura and Science - Philip Duce
- Can darwinism explain the irreducibily complex?
- Learning from nature
- Look out, that mountain is moving fast
- Granite up to speed
- Meetings and Media
- Revisiting the Wilbeforce-Huxley debate
- Creation-based Biology in Germany
- Reviews:
- Icons of Evolution, Science or Myth by Jonathon Wells
- reviewed by David Tyler
- The Triumph of Evolution and the Failure of Creationism
by Niles Elridge - reviewed by Alan Linton
- The Biotic message: Evolution versus Message Theory
by Walter J ReMine - reviewed by Arthur Jones
July 2001 (31)
- The Noah's Ark Farm - Paul Garner
- Claws, Jaws and the Fall - Paul Garner
- Trilobites: the 'Beetles' of the Palaeozoic - Paul Garner
- Reader's viewpoint:
- The Ambitions, Beliefs and Concepts of Charles Darwin (II)-
Leonard Loose
- Reviews:
- Inventing the Flat Earth by
Jeffrey Burton Russell - reviewed
by David Tyler
- The Darwin Wars: How Stupid Genes Became Selfish Man by Andrew
Brown - reviewed by David Tyler
- The Wedge of Truth by Philip E Johnson - reviewed by David
- The Piltdown Mystery: The Story behind the World's Greatest Archeological
Hoax by Ronald Millar - reviewed by Pete J William
December 2000 (30)
- Hallmarks of Design - an interview with Stuart Burgess
- Snake evolution and the Garden of Eden - Steven Robinson
- Reader's viewpoint:
- Observations on the Creationist/Evolution debate - Jeff Lowe
- The Ambitions, Beliefs and Concepts of Charles Darwin (I)-
Leonard Loose
- 7th European Creationist Congress - Marc Surtees Commendation
- Dr Henry Morris
- Reviews:
- Refuting Evolution by Jonathon Sarfati - reviewed by
Paul Garner
November 2000 (29)
- Junk DNA - More Vestigial organs? - Nancy Darrall
- Butterfly Wings - A Case for Design? - J H John Peet
- The Then World with Water having been Deluged Perished - Steven
J Robinson
- Reviews:
- Science, Life and Christian Belief, by M Jeeves and
R J Berry - reviewed by Philip Duce
- Green Eye of the Storm by Prof John Rendle-Short -
reviewed by J H John Peet
May 2000 (28)
- Reviews:
- The embryo research debate: Science and the politics of
human reproduction by Michael Mulkay - reviewed by Sheena
- Reading the Mind of God: interpretation in Science and
Theology by Philip Duce - reviewed by J H John Peet
- In Six Days: Why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation
by John F Ashton - reviewed by Steve Layfield
2000 (27) Special Issue
- Tektites - J. Timothy Unruh
- Evolution or Creation - Philip Bell.
- A Designer-made World? - J H John Peet
- Biology Textbooks and the Evidence - Nancy Darrall
- The Limits of Variation - Eoghan Mhor
- Ape-Men and the Quest for Human Origins - David J Tyler
- The Origin of the Cosmos - Paul Garner
- Catastrophism in Earth History - Paul Garner
- Patterns in the Rock record - David J Tyler
- Dating Methods - Andrew A Snelling
- The Creation Manifesto
- Mike Matthews
- The relevance of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation - Andy C McIntosh
- Reviews:
- Fertility and Faith: the ethics of human fertilization
by Brendan McCarthy - reviewed by Sheena Tyler
£3.50 Please order using the publications order form
June 1999 (26)
- Geochronology in the light - Ian Fuller
- Green islands - Joachim Scheven
- The death of Adam revisited - Philip Duce
- Genealogy is not chronology - Steven Robinson
- Eight questions for a Christian evolutionist - J H John Peet
- News of Creation International Conference on Creationism
1998 - Ewan More
- Reviews:
- From Flood to Pharoah (The Genesis Agendum Occasional
Papers 2 and 3) by Steven Robinson - reviewed by Paul Garner
and John Peet
- A Drama of Creation by Alan Fowler - reviewed by John
October 1998 (25)
- Editorial: A tribute to Professor Verna Wright
- Adam and Eve at Work: The relevance of the doctrine
of creation to the world of work - Michael Matthews
- Creation Research and the Community of Jesus: An introduction
to the German Creationist group,
Wort und Wissen - Reinhard Junker
- It's a Horse, of Course!
A creationist view of phylogenetic change in the equid
family - Paul Garner
- News of Creation Just who was Neanderthal Man? - J.H. John Peet
- Reviews:
- Science as Salvation - reviewed by Frank Peachey
- The Ice Man - reviewed by Paul Garner
- Faith, Reason and Earth History - reviewed by Paul Garner
- Understanding the Present - reviewed by Frank Peachey
- At Home in the Universe - A review article by Colin Reeves
February 1998 (24)
- The biblical
ages of the Patriarchs - Richard H. Johnson.
- Genesis, the New Testament and historicity - Philip P. Duce.
- The real
lifestyle of the dinosaurs - Michael Garton.
- The first great catastrophe - J.H. John Peet.
- News of Creation The puzzling moons of Jupiter
- Was there a Late Precambrian Ice Age?
- Reviews:
- Darwin's Black Box - reviewed by J.H. John Peet.
- And God said ... Science confirms the authority of the Bible
- reviewed by Paul Garner.
- Queries and Comments:
- Chalk deposition and reductions of atmospheric carbon dioxide
- The lungfish: is it a transitional form?
August 1997 (23)
- The Double Revelation approach to knowledge - David J. Tyler.
- The Interpretation of Nature and the Bible - Robert Bradshaw.
- The Geological Column - Steven J. Robinson.
- Queries and Comments:
- Difference between Genesis 1 and 2.
- Adam naming the animals
March 1997 (22)
- The Bible and chronology: 4 - J.H. John Peet.
- A
Spanish Weekend - Michael Garton.
- Creation in the news: Life on Mars?
- Where's Eden?
- Noah's Ark again!
- The Geological Record (Statement).
July 1996 (21)
- The impact of the Copernican Revolution on biblical interpretation -
David J. Tyler.
- Was the Flood initiated by Catastrophic Plate Tecctonics? - Steven J.
- Reviews:
- A new look at an old earth - Paul Garner.
- Running out of time - J.H. John Peet.
- Are you being taken for a ride? - A.J.M. White.
- Queries and Comments:
- Cooling of igneous rocks and geologic time
- Absence of certain radioisotopes from earth
- The Zuiyo-maru carcass - a modern plesiosaur?
December 1995 (20)
- Creationism: Do we have the right agenda? - Edgar Andrews.
- The Bible and Chronology: 3 - J.H. John Peet.
- A look back over 20 years of BCS - David J. Tyler.
- Attitudes between the secular scientific community and creation science
in the earth sciences - David J. Simm.
- Reviews:
- Creation and time - Paul Garner.
- In the beginning God created - David C.C. Watson.
- The Creationists - Edgar Andrews.
- Creation: the Bible and science - Mike G. Matthews.
- Evidence for Truth: Volume 1 - Mike G. Matthews.
- Cumulative Index to Origins
August 1995 (19)
- The Bible and Chronology (2) - J H John Peet.
- Chaos Theory: Uses and Abuses - Peter Senior.
- Jacob's Experiments in Goat Genetics - Ewan More.
- Oil Formation and Exploration - Paul Garner.
- Reviews:
- Creation and Time - David C C Watson.
- Why I Believe in Creation - Tony Rummery.
- Prehistory: A Time to Throw Away - David C C Watson.
- Thinking about the Six Days of Creation - David C C Watson.
- Fossil Men Reconsidered - David C.C. Watson.
February 1995 (18)
- The Fascinating World of Micro-Organisms - Kevin M Charman.
- The Bible and Chronology (1) - J H John Peet.
- Rapid Formation of Calcium Carbonate Concretions - Paul Garner.
- The Earth's Early Atmosphere - J H John Peet.
- Review:
- Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe - J H John Peet.
October 1994 (17)
- Dinosaur Breath - David M. Harris.
- Tektites - J. Timothy Unruh. Evolution or Creation - Philip Bell.
- Reviews:
- Bones of Contention - Steven J. Robinson.
- Creation Scientists Answer their Critics - Paul Garner.
- Facts of Life: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism - Eric Bird.
November 1993 (16)
- The Credibility of Genesis 1 & 2 - J H John Peet.
- Vast Diatom Mats in the Miocene-Pliocene - Paul Garner.
- The Breeder's Nightmare called Natural Selection - Brian A Brady.
- Did Bats Evolve Twice? - Paul Garner.
- News of Creation:
- The Sickle Cell Gene - J H John Peet.
- Triassic Termites - Paul Garner.
July 1993 (15)
- Christ and Creation - Edgar H Andrews.
- Genesis and Cosmology - Mart de Groot.
- The Starfish Bed of Dorset - Paul Garner.
- News of Creation: Evolution: Is it Credible?.
- Rocks & Scripture 5 - Micheal Garton.
- Reviews:
- The Genesis Debate - Paul Garner.
- The Discovery of Noah's Ark - J H John Peet.
January 1993 (14)
- Human Language: Part II - Tony Rummery.
- Ammonites, Mussels & Cockels - Joachim Scheven.
- A Biblical Look at Early Civilisation - Jonathan Stephen.
- 5th European Creationist Congress - Frank Peachey.
October 1992 (13)
- The Authority of Scripture - Clifford Pond.
- Vestigal Organs - Hendrik R. Murris.
- Human Language: Part I - Tony Rummery.
- Reviews:
- Michael Faraday, Sandemanian & Scientist - David J. Tyler.
- Creation Science: Confirming that the Bible is Right - Paul
- Origins - Nancy Darrall.
January 1992 (12)
- Seeing and Believing: The Amazing Process of Human Vision - Sylvia Baker.
- Changing Views of the late Professor Arthur Rendle-Short - John Rendle-Short.
- The Decay in the Velocity of Light - Colin Reeves.
- Haemoglobin: A Pedagogic Protein - John Ling.
- New Fossil Find shows a Whale with Hind Limbs - David J. Tyler.
- Methuselah - Graham A Fisher.
- Reviews:
- Of Pandas and People - Wendy Sharpless.
- The Illustrated Origins Answer Book - Nancy M. Darrall.
October 1991 (11)
- Rocks and Scripture 4 - Michael Garton.
- Seeing and Believing: The Amazing Process of Human Vision - Sylvia Baker.
- The Maker of Heaven and Earth - John Benton.
- Origins of Multicellular Animals - Paul Garner.
- Review:
- Evolution: A Theory in Crisis - Sheena Tyler.
February 1991 (10)
- Rocks and Scripture 3 - Michael Garton.
- Seeing and Believing: The Amazing Process of Human Vision - Sylvia Baker.
- A Challenge to Theistic Evolutionists - Arthur Jones.
- Reviews:
- The Discovery of Noah's ark - John Peet.
- Wonderfully Made - David Watts.
- Curriculum Unmasked - Peter Butterfield.
July 1990 (9)
- Rocks and Scripture 2 - Michael Garton.
- Pre-Flood Limestone Deposition - Daniel Wonderly.
- The Decay in the Velocity of Light: Real or Imaginary? - John Peet.
- Reviews:
- The God who is Real - Bob Robinson.
- The Great Divide - John Tindall.
January 1990 (8)
- Rocks and Scripture - Michael Garton.
- The Geological Record & Biblical Earth History - Joachim Scheven.
- Reviews:
- Lessons from Mount St. Helens - a Video - Peter Senior.
- The Life and Death of Charles Darwin - David Watson.
- How Life Began - Sheena Eisaks.
- Word Biblical Commentary Genesis 1-15 - David Watson.
- An Evolutionary Perspective of the Knee - Verna Wright.
- The Age of the Earth = The Age of Man - David Watson.
October 1989 (7)
- Dinosaurs - Designer Made? - Nancy Darrall.
- Man in the Image of God - John Peet.
- Religious Presuppositions in Historical Geology - David J. Tyler.
- Reviews:
- Creation and Evolution: the Facts and Fallacies - David Watson.
- Evolution: the Great Debate - Sylvia Baker.
April 1989 (6)
- A New Vista on the Stone Age - David J. Tyler.
- Is Evolution a Myth? - David Watts.
- Creation a la Suisse Romande - Daniel Mathez.
- Glory be to God for Gilbert - David C.C. Watson.
- Report:
- European Creationist Congress - Sheena Eisaks and Frank Peachey.
- Reviews:
- An Urchin in the Storm - Gerald Duffett.
- The Genesis Solution - Peter Senior.
- Science and the Bible - John Peet.
- Times Arrow, Times Cycle - David J. Tyler.
April 1988 (4)
- The Dignity of Man in Creation - Robin Dowling.
- Implications of the Doctrine of Creation - Geoffrey Thomas.
- Maybe Eve Really Did Exist! - Nancy Darrall.
- The Other Big Bang - Andrew Loose.
- Reviews:
- Two men Called Adam - Paul Taylor.
- Crossroads Creation Series - David J. Tyler.
- The Great Evolution Mystery - David J. Tyler.
- The Young Scientist Book of Evolution - Sylvia Baker.
December 1987 (3)
- Evolution: Science or Religion? - M.G Matthews.
- Where was Eden? - Ray Porter.
- Origins Opinion Poll - Sheena Eisaks.
- Reviews:
- Evolution as a Religion - David Lyon.
- Evolution or Creation - a false antithesis? - Verna Wright.
- In the Minds of Men - David J Tyler.
October 1987 (2)
- Questions of Quanta - Philip Duce.
- The Catalytic Effect upon the Gospel of Genesis - D.M. Gilpin-Brown.
- The Second European Creationist Congress - Frank Peachey.
- Reviews:
- Darwin's Enigma - David J. Tyler.
- Concepts in Creationism - David Watts.
May 1987 (1)
- Chaos in the Cosmos - Andrew Loose.
- Computers and Creation - M.G. Matthews.
- The Statistical Improbability of Evolution - B.A. Brady.
- Review:
- The Blind Watchmaker - Andrew Jackson.
Prices: Origins 1-16 are available at £1 each; Origins 17-25 at £2
Origins 26, 28, 29 at £2.50 each: Origins 27 at £3.50: Origins 37/8 at £6.00
Origins 30-36, 39-43 at £3 each, 44-current edition at £5.00.
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