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Biblical Creation Journal contents

... and other BCS literature 

Biblical Creation was published by the Biblical Creation Society from its inception until 1986, when it was replaced by Origins. The `Contents' listed below is not exhaustive, but identifies the main articles and reviews in each issue.

Issues number 1-4, 14, 16 & 18 are all out of print. All the remaining issues are available at 0.50 Pounds Sterling each. Please order using the BCS publications order form


February 1980 (5)  June 1980 (6)  October 1980 (7)  February 1981 (8)  June 1981 (9)  October 1981 (10)  February 1982 (11)  July 1982 (12)  January 1983 (13)  Summer 1983 (15)  Spring 1984 (17)  Spring 1985 (19)  Summer 1985 (20)  October 1985 (21)  Spring 1986 (22)  Summer 1986 (23)  Autumn 1986 (24) 


in plastic folder contains: 

Cost: 5.00 pounds sterling.  Please order using the BCS publications order form

A5 Booklets

IN THE BEGINNING (A Symposium on the Bible & Creation) - 1980 

by Gerald H. Duffett. 

by E. Brearley. 

Available for 0.50 pounds sterling each. Please order using the BCS publications order form

Book cover: Is Man descneded from Adam?
"Is Man descended from Adam?" by Reinhard Junker

price £2.80.

Please order using the BCS publications order form

Image of book cover: Bone of Contention
Bone of Contention" by Sylvia Baker

price £3.50.

Please order using the BCS publications order form

Image of book cover: Creation Manifesto


Cost: 1.50 pounds sterling

Please order using the BCS publications order form.

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