BCS Home
Links to other sites
Links to other sites

The sites listed here have been selected for their interest and relevance to origins issues. Many of the sites have extensive additional links, and this list makes no claim to be either comprehensive or representative! Some sites known to us that link to the BCS site are listed in a separate section. As might be expected, BCS is neither recommending nor endorsing these sites, but only offering the links as a service to members.


Creation and Origins: Special Creation
Creation and Origins: Intelligent Design sites
Creation and Origins: mostly theistic sites favouring an ancient earth and evolutionary explanations of origins 
Creation and Origins: Anti-Creationist sites 
Sites linking to BCS
Information Resources
Science Organizations
Environmental Issues and Resources
Life Issues and Resources

Creation and Origins: Special Creation

Answers in Genesis
Creation Matters  (CRS Newsletter)
Center for Scientific Creation Online book "In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood"
Creation Ministries International
Creation Resources Trust (Geoff Chapman)
Creation Research Society
Creation Science Homepage
Creation Science Movement
Earth History Research Center
Earth Science Associates (Robert Gentry)
Earth History (Richard Johnston)
Earth History (Steven Robinson)
Geoscience Research Institute
Brazilian Creation Society (Brazilian) 
Institute for Creation Research
Lambert Dolphin's Resource Files
Revolution Against Evolution (Doug Sharp) 
Twin Cities Creation Science Association
True.Origin Archive
Was Darwin Right?
Wort und Wissen (in German)
www.creationism.org (Paul Abramson)
Barry Setterfield Research Library

Creation and Origins: Intelligent Design sites

Access Research Network
Discovery Institute (CRSC)
Eye Design Book (Curt Deckert)
Icons of Evolution (Jonathon Wells)
Telic Thoughts (Mike Gene)
IDEA Center (Casey Luskin)
Intelligent Design Network
Mere Creation Homepage
Michael J. Behe
Origins (Leadership University)
Origins Research archives
Pascal Centre (Redeemer College)
Phillip E Johnson
The Design Inference (William A. Dembski)
The Privileged Planet

Creation and Origins: mostly theistic sites favouring an ancient earth and evolutionary explanations of origins

Affiliation of Christian Geologists
American Scientific Affiliation
Christians in Science
Faith & Reason Ministries 
John Templeton Foundation
Glenn Morton's Home Page
Reasons To Believe (Hugh Ross)
Science and Spirit

Creation and Origins: Anti-Creationist sites

No Answers in Genesis (Australian Skeptics Inc) 
Noah's Ark
Talk.Origins Archive

Sites linking to BCS (not listed elsewhere)

American Portrait Films
Ancient Days
Anointed Christian Links (Australia site)
Apprising Ministries (Ken Silva)
BibleKeeper.com(the Bible in several languages + Bible study tools)
Chip Rohlke
Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
Darkness to Light (Creation Page)
David Haslam's Home Page
Dordt College zoology link
Dunedin Christian Study Centre
Evolution Cruncher
Forgotten History of the Western People (Mike Gascoigne)
Edinburgh Creation Group
Gospel Magazine
Paradigm Shift (Marc Surtees)
Science Against Evolution
Wooler Evangelical Church

Information Resources: Christian

Associates for Biblical Research
Arthur C. Custance library
Books and Culture (Christianity Today) 
Christian Answers Network
Creation Resources Trust (Geoff Chapman)
Biblical Studies Internet Resource (Robert Bradshaw)
Early Church Internet Resource (Robert Bradshaw)
Theological Studies Internet Resource (Robert Bradshaw)
Medieval Church Internet Resource (Robert Bradshaw)
Evangelicals Now
Evangelical Times
Genesis Agendum
Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute IBRI
Noah's Ark Farm
Origins Resource Association (educational materials)
Probe Ministries
Prof. A.E. Wilder Smith

Information Resources: Science and Education

Alternative Science (Richard Milton) 
Babylonia and Near Eastern Resources
Center for the Advancement of PaleoOrthodoxy
Cosmic Ancestry
Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture (Discovery Institute)
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Franklin Institute educational resources
Geologists Lifetime Field List  (Terry Acomb)
Glen's Dinosaur Den
Institute of Science in Society
John Ray Initiative
Kuban's Paleo Place (Palaeontology web links) 
Leadership university
Mainz Institute for Geosciences Links
Naturalism, Theism and the Scientific Enterprise Conference
Nature - international weekly journal of science
New Scientist
ScienceNOW magazine (from AAAS)
Science Online magazine
SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies
Stephen Jay Gould Archive
Teaching resources for parents, teachers and school boards
A Test of Time (David Rohl) 
The Tree of Life (phylogeny and biodiversity)
The World of Richard Dawkins
Truth in Science

Science Organizations

American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Astronomical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Physical Society
British Science Association(formerly British Association for the Advancement of Science)
Geological Society of America
Hubble Space Telescope: images
Light of the World
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Spacelink (An Aeronautics & Space Resource for Educators)
National Geographic Society
National Space Science Data Center
Nobel foundation
Santa Fe Institute
Science Museum (London)
Smithsonian Institution

Environmental Issues and Resources

A Rocha
Acne Resource Center
Au Sable
Centre for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
Christian Ecology Link
Environmental Information links (Friends of the Earth)
Four Seasons  (Groundwork) 
Friends of the Earth - England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Greenpeace International

Life Issues and Resources

Christian Medical Fellowship
Do no Harm
The Human Genome Project
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future
Pro-Life Internet Directory
Americans United for Life
Live Psychic Chat Website
Feminists for Life